
I am now shipping mostly via USPS unless requested otherwise. Usually within a week - special orders may take a bit longer. If you need something quickly, just let me know.

General rates are listed below with two shipping zones - east or west of the Mississippi.

If you are purchasing multiple prints and I find that they can ship less expensively than indicated at checkout, I will reimburse. Online calculators are less flexible than I am.

I prefer delivery or pickup especially of large works - please contact me if this works for you.

Shipping Categories

Small - Prints framed that are between 8x10” and 14x16” will ship for $25 East of the Mississippi and $50 West of the river.

Medium - Prints that are between 14x18” and 16x20” will ship for $35 East and $65 West.

Large - Prints that are between 18x20” and 19x20” will ship for $45 East and $65 West.

Extra Large - Prints that are between 20x22” and 22x25” I will need to get back to you on shipping costs.

Really big - 25x28 or larger - ship unframed only. Delivery or Pickup preferred. I’ll let you know shipping cost.

Please call or email with any questions!

Other notes of note:

I recycle boxes and packing material from the local transfer station and from friends and neighbors.

If you live in Vanuatu, I will have to charge extra. (I really did sell a print to someone who lived on this speck of an island chain in the Pacific Ocean!)